
Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease  Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a condition in which plaques(a fatty deposit on an artery wall in atherosclerosis ) build up in the walls of the coronary arteries (the vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle). These deposits can gradually block the artery, or they can suddenly rupture, causing a more acute obstruction.  Basically, the heart muscle requires a continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients to survive, obstruction of a coronary artery rapidly leads to significant problems. CAD is caused by atherosclerosis(a disease of the arteries characterized by the deposition of plaques of fatty material on their inner walls),a chronic, progressive disorder of the arteries in which deposits of cholesterol, calcium, and abnormal cells (that is, plaques) build up on the inner lining of the arteries. Atherosclerosis – the left artery shows a normal lumen (the central cavit

Congestive Heart Failure Home Care

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a condition that occurs when the heart fails to initiate its ability to pump blood. There are two types of CHF, the left side heart failure and the right side heart failure. It is considered as one of the most common form of heart diseases which requires medical attention. However, there are some simple ways that are feasible to treat this condition. These include self-care or home management recommendations. When someone is diagnosed with congestive heart failure, they are usually in need of qualified cardiologist. People with CHF can do several things at home that enhance their comfort and minimize the risk of worsening the condition. As a matter of fact, the more they become active in performing their daily routines, the better they can overcome the severity of their condition. Modifying the lifestyle practices will mark a better influence. This will not only make them become better but it enhances their opportunity to liv

Home Care for Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a condition that occurs when the heart fails to initiate its ability to pump blood. There are two types of CHF, the left side heart failure and the right side heart failure. It is considered as one of the most common form of heart diseases which requires medical attention. However, there are some simple ways that are feasible to treat this condition. These include self-care or home management recommendations. When someone is diagnosed with congestive heart failure, they are usually in need of qualified cardiologist. People with CHF can do several things at home that enhance their comfort and minimize the risk of worsening the condition. As a matter of fact, the more they become active in performing their daily routines, the better they can overcome the severity of their condition. Modifying the lifestyle practices will mark a better influence. This will not only make them become better but it enhances their opportunity to live a longer

Cardiology Exercise

Cardiology doctors see the effects of a poorly restrained heart everyday. While some heart problems can not be prevented, such as congenital defects of the heart, serious problems of the heart can often be prevented or improved greatly by a regular exercise program. New studies have shown that even moderate exercise done regularly can improve the function and health of the heart. Good cardiac exercise is not pumping iron at the gym. In order to reap benefits of the heart, you need to elevate your heart rate through cardiovascular exercise, such as fast walking, riding a bicycle or jumping rope, and maintain the elevated heart rate level for a period of time. The heart is a muscle just like any other, but it works differently. Pumping iron will not strengthen the heart muscle as it does the biceps and quads. The only way to strengthen the heart muscle is through cardiovascular exercise. Cardiology specialists recommend a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes of ex

Cardiology Transcription

Cardiology transcription is a specialized record of medical transcription that deals with creation, transfer and storage of vascular health records of a particular patient. When a patient visits hospital or healthcare facility, the doctor, after proper diagnosis, dictates all observations and records them in a recording device.  This recorded voice is sent to a transcriptionist, who converts it into a computer text file. The text file is sent back to the doctor, who can now easily store it in his or her computer and retrieve it easily, whenever needed during the course of treatment. The transcriptionist should be well versed in cardiac terminology and have good knowledge about the cardiovascular system of the body so that he or she can easily understand the dictation and convert it into an error free, electronic text. When it comes to cardiology transcription, following types of medical reports are generally, transcribed: MUGA scan – It is known as Mu

Cardiology History

Cardiology has been a main medical specialty throughout the history of modern science. Cardiologists treat diseases and irregularities of the heart. A general cardiologist does not perform surgery. Physicians in the cardiology field who do perform surgeries include cardiac pulmonologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, and cardiovascular surgeons. Modern cardiology has a deeply rooted history with theories still in use dating back to 1628. In that time, it was believed that blood came from the liver (probably from the observation of war wounds from the abdomen bleed profusely) and was absorbed by tissues directly. William Harvey published an essay in that year paving the way for the study of what we now know as the circulatory system; whose primary engine is the heart. The first cardiac surgery in 1801 was performed in Spain by Francisco Romero, but was met with great disapproval by the medical community. His pioneering efforts were halted for quite some time. The y


What Is Bradycardia? In the Greek language means “heart slowness”. It is basically a heart rate that is under 60 beats per minute while a person is at rest. Bradycardia is usually not detectable unless the heart rate drops to below 50 beats a minute. This slower heart rate can produce heart attacks in some individuals or even cardiac arrests. A cardiac arrest differs from a heart attack. It is caused by the normal circulation of the blood getting interrupted from the lack of heart contractions. A heart attack usually happens as a result of an interruption of the blood flow specifically to part of the heart that causes cells in the heart to die. Bradycardia may trigger a heart attack or cardiac arrest when the slow heart rhythms (bradycardia’s) are unable to pump sufficient supply of oxygen to the heart. With insufficient oxygen, the heart can display symptoms that resemble a heart attack. An individual may have difficulty breathing or have a fainting spell. It