Non Invasive Diagnostic Heart Diseases Tests

Physical examination for people with heart diseases is very important. It provides baseline data for medical doctor to properly evaluate the current condition(*health status) of the person. Moreover, it is highly recommended that people ages 40 and above needs to have annual check-up. This is to monitor the overall state of well-being.
Disease of the heart is the leading cause of death to elderly people. That is why they need to undergo series of tests to check the status of their heart. Below are the possible physical evaluation done by the doctors to assess the heart condition.
Body Mass Index (BMI*)
The BMI refers to the weight of the person in relation to its height. It provides an acceptable estimation of the body fats. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines, a BMI of lesser than 18.5 is described as underweight. People with BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 are considered normal. Those who have 24 to 29.9 are considered as overweight and people who have 30 or more are labeled as obese.
Circumference of Waistline
The circumference of waistline reflects the distribution of fats in the body. A high distribution percentage of fats in the abdomen (apple-shaped body structure) is associated to higher risk for developing disease of the heart compare to those with excess lower-body fats (pear-shaped body structure). A waistline circumference of 35” for women and 40” for men may indicate higher risk for cardiovascular problems. The waistline circumference provide more accurate baseline date of weight to people with large muscle mass and classified under the overweight category (BMI).
Skinfold Measurements
Basically, ½ of the total body fat is located directly below the skin. In line with this, measuring the skinfolds can help evaluate the total body fat percentage. Skinfolds are measured using the caliper ruler. It pinches the skin as the ruler is being pulled away from the underlying muscles. The skinfold can be measured at the thigh, calf, triceps, biceps, and scapular area.
Signs and Symptoms of Cardiovascular Condition
Assessing the person with physical signs of hypertension, coronary artery disease and heart failure can help identify the prescribed treatment plan. Person with suspected CAD may be diagnosed through the use of clinical eye (assessment). Body shape can help determine the condition of the person in relevance to heart diseases.
The person’s body is checked for presence of edema (swelling of extremities) high blood pressure and possible seizure can help the doctor to diagnose them for hypertension. Edema with shortness of breath is also associated to heart failure.
Most importantly, they need to make sure that practicing healthy lifestyle can help them reduce the risk for heart diseases. However, there are non-modifiable risk factors that can predispose people to suffer from any cardiovascular disease. Moreover, it is ideal to follow the annual regimen of getting consultation from the doctor. This is to keep people stay healthy and active. Heart diseases can be prevented and proper evaluation from doctor can help reduce the risk level – By Edterchelle Soriano
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