Cardiology Exercise
Cardiology doctors see the effects of a poorly restrained heart everyday. While some heart problems can not be prevented, such as congenital defects of the heart, serious problems of the heart can often be prevented or improved greatly by a regular exercise program. New studies have shown that even moderate exercise done regularly can improve the function and health of the heart. Good cardiac exercise is not pumping iron at the gym. In order to reap benefits of the heart, you need to elevate your heart rate through cardiovascular exercise, such as fast walking, riding a bicycle or jumping rope, and maintain the elevated heart rate level for a period of time. The heart is a muscle just like any other, but it works differently. Pumping iron will not strengthen the heart muscle as it does the biceps and quads. The only way to strengthen the heart muscle is through cardiovascular exercise. Cardiology specialists recommend a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes of ex...