
Cardiology Exercise

Cardiology doctors see the effects of a poorly restrained heart everyday. While some heart problems can not be prevented, such as congenital defects of the heart, serious problems of the heart can often be prevented or improved greatly by a regular exercise program. New studies have shown that even moderate exercise done regularly can improve the function and health of the heart. Good cardiac exercise is not pumping iron at the gym. In order to reap benefits of the heart, you need to elevate your heart rate through cardiovascular exercise, such as fast walking, riding a bicycle or jumping rope, and maintain the elevated heart rate level for a period of time. The heart is a muscle just like any other, but it works differently. Pumping iron will not strengthen the heart muscle as it does the biceps and quads. The only way to strengthen the heart muscle is through cardiovascular exercise. Cardiology specialists recommend a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes of ex

Cardiology Transcription

Cardiology transcription is a specialized record of medical transcription that deals with creation, transfer and storage of vascular health records of a particular patient. When a patient visits hospital or healthcare facility, the doctor, after proper diagnosis, dictates all observations and records them in a recording device.  This recorded voice is sent to a transcriptionist, who converts it into a computer text file. The text file is sent back to the doctor, who can now easily store it in his or her computer and retrieve it easily, whenever needed during the course of treatment. The transcriptionist should be well versed in cardiac terminology and have good knowledge about the cardiovascular system of the body so that he or she can easily understand the dictation and convert it into an error free, electronic text. When it comes to cardiology transcription, following types of medical reports are generally, transcribed: MUGA scan – It is known as Mu

Cardiology History

Cardiology has been a main medical specialty throughout the history of modern science. Cardiologists treat diseases and irregularities of the heart. A general cardiologist does not perform surgery. Physicians in the cardiology field who do perform surgeries include cardiac pulmonologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, and cardiovascular surgeons. Modern cardiology has a deeply rooted history with theories still in use dating back to 1628. In that time, it was believed that blood came from the liver (probably from the observation of war wounds from the abdomen bleed profusely) and was absorbed by tissues directly. William Harvey published an essay in that year paving the way for the study of what we now know as the circulatory system; whose primary engine is the heart. The first cardiac surgery in 1801 was performed in Spain by Francisco Romero, but was met with great disapproval by the medical community. His pioneering efforts were halted for quite some time. The y


What Is Bradycardia? In the Greek language means “heart slowness”. It is basically a heart rate that is under 60 beats per minute while a person is at rest. Bradycardia is usually not detectable unless the heart rate drops to below 50 beats a minute. This slower heart rate can produce heart attacks in some individuals or even cardiac arrests. A cardiac arrest differs from a heart attack. It is caused by the normal circulation of the blood getting interrupted from the lack of heart contractions. A heart attack usually happens as a result of an interruption of the blood flow specifically to part of the heart that causes cells in the heart to die. Bradycardia may trigger a heart attack or cardiac arrest when the slow heart rhythms (bradycardia’s) are unable to pump sufficient supply of oxygen to the heart. With insufficient oxygen, the heart can display symptoms that resemble a heart attack. An individual may have difficulty breathing or have a fainting spell. It

Cardiology Secret Killer

Mostly people think aneurysm as an instant killer or something that cannot be detected or prevented, and while it is true that many die of brain aneurysms each year, there are couple other kinds that cardiology professional see that are silent killers. Aortic aneurysms, both thoracic and abdominal can be detected, watched, and operated on for a life-saving effect; the difficult part is diagnosis. Most of these bulges in the aorta are found either accidentally as a part of another exam or by doctors, such as cardiologists, who have deemed a patient as a risk. Risks factors include high blood pressure, smoking, genetics, fatty build up in the arteries, infections and trauma, and those who have exhibited some of these symptoms are usually already under the care of a cardiologist for other reasons when these tears and bulges are found. If it is small upon discovery, the condition will be monitored while steps are taken to reduce the risk of rupture. First and fore

Heart Attack

Mostly patients have symptoms prior to an real heart attack – generally a “tightness” behind the breastbone, which mainly is caused by an increase in heart rate. The coronary arteries fill in between heart beats therefore anything which increases your heart rate will reduce the time your coronary arteries have to provide blood flow to the heart muscle- the myocardium. Once the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen it becomes irritable leading to palpitations and, if not relieved, death of the muscle. Surrounding the dead muscle is a variable sized area of heart muscle at risk of dying because of inadequate oxygen supply – this condition is known as myocardial ischemia. The heart rate is under the control of the autonomic nervous systems, which, in the case of the heart, is driven by adrenaline the so-called “flight or fight” hormone. Adrenaline acts at various sites of the body – On the sinus node in the heart which controls rate to increase heart rate – On the bro

Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators

Implantable Cardiac defibrillators are invasive cardiac surgery advance in cardiac care. Health science have made amazing technological advances in cardiac surgery over the past several decades. Modern equipment, procedures, and knowledge about heart disease risk allows us to save more patient lives than ever and bring the risk of dying from a heart attack to a lower figure. Implantable defibrillators are another innovative solution to a serious cardiac problem. These devices are implanted in the chest to control sudden problems in patients who suffer from tachycardia, or an abnormally fast heart rhythm. A fast, out-of-control heart rhythm can strike suddenly and interfere with the heart’s ability to pump blood to the entire body.  In a normally functioning human heart, the heart’s lower and upper chambers pump in sync with each other – delivering even and consistent blood flow. With heart failure brought on by tachycardia, something interferes with the ele


What Is Defibrillation? It is a specific medical treatment in which a defibrillator (An apparatus used to control heart fibrillation by application of an electric current to the chest wall or heart) delivers electrical energy to an afflicted heart. Healthcare professionals determine the level of electrical charge (joules) to apply, based on their experience and tested practices under medical consultation. The electrical charge is applied to the patient’s chest through pads or paddles connected to the defibrillator. The electrical shock to the heart depolarizes a critical amount of the heart’s muscle, stops the arrhythmia (beating), and lets the regular sinus rhythm restart through the body’s natural pacemaker chemicals, in the sinoatrial node of the heart. This device is used for life-threatening conditions such as cardiac arrhythmias or a ventricular fibrillation. A cardiac arrhythmia occurs when there is unusual electrical activity inside the heart. The hear

Chest pain causes diagnosis

Chest pain causes concern in the patient as it is mostly related to an heart attack or severe pain and people are nowadays knowledgeable of the serious consequences of the symptom. However not all times is a chest pain necessarily originating from or caused by diseases of the heart. There are plenty of other structures in the thoracic cavity and a systematic approach is needed to arrive at the correct diagnosis or in other words to find out the ?real culprit? causing the chest pain. Of special importance is the issue of chest pain in women, as this group is less liable to get heart disease till menopause. Estrogen is said to confer a protective effect and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Myocardial infarction or Coronary artery disease (CAD) is very rare in menstruating women. As menopause approaches and estrogen levels go down, the probability of development of CAD catches up with those in men. Even then, there are lots of young to middle


ECG (electrocardiogram) is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart. The heart is a muscular organ that beats in rhythm to pump the blood throughout the whole body. The signals that make the heart's muscle fibres contract come from the sinoatrial node, which is the natural pacemaker of the heart. In an ECG test, the electrical impulses made while the heart is beating are recorded and usually shown on a piece of paper. It's known as an electrocardiogram, and records any problems with the heart's rhythm, and the conduction of the heart beat through the heart which may be affected by underlying heart disease. The information taken from an electrocardiogram can be used to discover various types of heart disease. It may be useful for seeing how well the patient is responding to treatment. It is a good idea to have an ECG in the case of symptoms such as dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing),chest pain(angina),fainting,